Date: 2019
Type: Other
What economic model for a postconflict Donbas? : how economic measures could play a role in exiting the negative scenario
STG Policy Briefs, 2019/06
NARBONE, Luigi, GINSBORG, Lisa, What economic model for a postconflict Donbas? : how economic measures could play a role in exiting the negative scenario, STG Policy Briefs, 2019/06 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
While diplomatic efforts towards a political resolution of the Donbas conflict progress slowly and contradictorily, it is high time to start a structured reflection on the post-conflict recovery of the region. Peace in Donbas appears distant at the moment, but economic incentives could play a useful role in addressing the diverging interests of conflicting parties. A common understanding on the future economic model for Donbas could help overcome the current deadlock. Following the December 2018 High-Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD), which brought together high level policy influencers, leading economists, academics and civil society representatives working on the region, this policy brief analyses current economic dynamics in the Donbas and possible measures which could facilitate exiting the negative scenario.
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Full-text via DOI: 10.2870/15262
ISBN: 9789290847700
ISSN: 2599-5928
Series/Number: STG Policy Briefs; 2019/06