Date: 2019
Type: Technical Report
Polarisation, violent extremism and resilience in Europe today : an analytical framework
Technical Report, BRaVE, 2019/D2.1, [Global Governance Programme], [Cultural Pluralism]
McNEIL-WILLSON, Richard, GERRAND, Vivian, SCRINZI, Francesca, TRIANDAFYLLIDOU, Anna, Polarisation, violent extremism and resilience in Europe today : an analytical framework, BRaVE, 2019/D2.1, [Global Governance Programme], [Cultural Pluralism] -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This paper aims to conduct a systematic and critical review of contemporary literature on processes of polarisation, the role they are perceived as playing in creating a matrix of adversities that can lead to increased vulnerability to what is often termed ‘violent extremism’, and the potential impact of practices that are understood as building pro-social resilience to such adversities. Through a wide-ranging review, taking in studies and practice on polarisation and ‘violent extremism’, the authors aim to identify a schema of what are broadly conceptualised as vulnerabilities – factors, operating on macro, meso and micro levels, which may either increase or decrease the likelihood that communities become fragmented and polarised within a European context.
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Series/Number: BRaVE; 2019/D2.1; [Global Governance Programme]; [Cultural Pluralism]
Publisher: BRaVE Project
Other topic(s): European identities and culture Nationalism Racism and discrimination Cultural and religious diversity Islam
Grant number: H2020/822189/EU
Sponsorship and Funder information:
The BRaVE project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 822189