Date: 2019
Type: Contribution to book
The lure of capitalism : foreign tourists and the shadow economy in socialist Romania of the 1960s-1980s
Sune BECHMANN PEDERSEN and Christian NOACK (eds), Tourism and travel during the Cold War : negotiating tourist experiences across the Iron Curtain, London : Routledge, 2019, pp. 47-60
STEFAN, Adelina Oana, The lure of capitalism : foreign tourists and the shadow economy in socialist Romania of the 1960s-1980s, in Sune BECHMANN PEDERSEN and Christian NOACK (eds), Tourism and travel during the Cold War : negotiating tourist experiences across the Iron Curtain, London : Routledge, 2019, pp. 47-60
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This chapter examines how Romania’s opening to Western tourism in the 1960s impacted on the everyday life of ordinary citizens. It analyses how the influx of foreign tourists from capitalist countries seeking to profit from the local shortage economy created a shadow economy for scarce consumer goods. Drawing on a range of archival sources and oral history interviews, the chapter focuses on the practices of consumption between the 1960s and the 1980s and explores how the Romanian state reacted to the informal economy, which exposed the socialist state’s inability to fulfil citizens’ desires.
The lure of capitalism: foreign tourists and the shadow economy in socialist Romania of the 1960s-1980s.
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Full-text via DOI: 10.4324/9780429201127-3
ISBN: 9780429201127
Publisher: Routledge
Grant number: H2020/669194/EU
Sponsorship and Funder information:
The research leading to this article is part of the project PanEur1970s, which has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 669194).