Date: 2007
Type: Working Paper
Locating the Public Interest in Transnational Policing
Working Paper, EUI LAW, 2007/17
LOADER, Ian, WALKER, Neil, Locating the Public Interest in Transnational Policing, EUI LAW, 2007/17 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This paper examines the basis on which we might argue that there is a 'transnational'
public interest in transnational policing. Is policing beyond the state simply a matter of
finding points of overlap between the security interests of different national
communities. If so, it appears as a precarious and contingent achievement. But if not,
how can we imagine that transnational public interest in thicker terms, as involving a
state-transcending common interest? Would this not involve sacrificing the very idea of
national security interests, or indeed any security interest based upon communities more
local than the transnational level? The paper develops an argument that this need not be
the case, and that we can imagine 'thick' security and policing interests at different
levels of territorial community simultaneously.
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ISSN: 1725-6739
Series/Number: EUI LAW; 2007/17
Publisher: European University Institute
Keyword(s): Cross-border crime Police cooperation Security/internal Identity Globalization Governance
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