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dc.contributor.authorBRANDTS, Jordi
dc.contributor.authorGËRXHANI, Klarita
dc.contributor.authorSCHRAM, Arthur
dc.identifier.citationJournal of behavioral and experimental economics, 2020, Vol. 84, Art. 101485en
dc.descriptionPublished online February 2020en
dc.description.abstractCompetition involves two dimensions, rivalry for resources and social-status ranking. In our experiment weexclude the first dimension and investigate gender differences in the preference for status ranking. Participantsperform a task under non-rivalry incentives. Before doing so, individuals indicate whether they prefer to do thetask in an environment with social-status ranking or one without, knowing whether or not the choice will beimposed upon the whole group (as opposed to being personal) and whether the ranking will be observed by aman or a woman. We find no gender difference in mean status-ranking aversion when the ranking is personal.When the ranking is imposed, there are still no gender differences in the preferences for social ranking when therank observer is a woman, and women are not affected by the rank observer's gender. With a male rank observer, however, men have a much stronger desire to be ranked than with a female rank observer.en
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of behavioral and experimental economicsen
dc.titleAre there gender differences in status-ranking aversion?en

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