Date: 2016
Type: Video
Backlash : is globalization killing democracy?
MWP, Video Lecture, 2016/08
WOODS, Ngaire, Backlash : is globalization killing democracy?, MWP, Video Lecture, 2016/08 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Ngaire Woods, founder and Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford, delivered a Max Weber Lecture titled "Backlash: Is Globalization Killing Democracy?" at the EUI on 14 December 2016. The lecture critically discussed the relationship between globalization and democracy at present and identified current risks for democracies in the over reliance on referendum as a means to de-responsabilize politicians from the consequences of their political decisions.
Additional information:
Lecture delivered at the European University Institute in Florence on 14 December 2016; A video interview with the presenter was recorded on 14 December 2016
Cadmus permanent link:
External link:
Series/Number: MWP; Video Lecture; 2016/08
Publisher: European University Institute