Date: 2021
Type: Dataset
HEALTHDOX health politics in Europe data set
EUI Research Data, 2021, Department of Political and Social Sciences
IMMERGUT, Ellen M., BURLACU, Diana, ROESCU, Andra Maria, WEGEMANN, Mirko, POPIC, Tamara, STOLAROV-DEMUTH, Guergana, HEALTHDOX health politics in Europe data set, EUI Research Data, 2021, Department of Political and Social Sciences -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The HEALTHDOX Health Politics in Europe Dataset on healthcare reforms enacted in European countries between 1989 and 2019, covers changes in healthcare financing and provision, especially establishing new healthcare programs, privatisation and public management reforms, as well as patient rights. This legislative dataset includes; date of law (or decree or legislative proposal or white paper, etc), number of law, name of law in country language, name of law in English, date of passge, date of entry into force, description of main provisions, link to web site if available. The first data release contains 61 data figures and 38 data tables. A guide to the data and sources is also provided (Eurostat, OECD, European Social Survey, Eurobarometer, Global Burden of Disease Collaborative Network, WHO). The full dataset will be available in 2022.
Additional information:
1 data file, 1 codebook file; This dataset will be released in June 2021
Cadmus permanent link:
Series/Number: EUI Research Data; 2021; Department of Political and Social Sciences
Publisher: European University Institute
Keyword(s): Legislative data
LC Subject Heading: Medical policy -- Europe; Health services administration -- Europe; Medical care -- Europe