Date: 2020
Type: Technical Report
An international handbook of good practices for building resilience against violent religiously-inspired radicalisation
Technical Report, [Global Governance Programme], GREASE, 2020, [Cultural Pluralism]
Royal United Services Institute, An international handbook of good practices for building resilience against violent religiously-inspired radicalisation, [Global Governance Programme], GREASE, 2020, [Cultural Pluralism] -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
For further information about individual countries and their research methodology in gathering the information relating to the practices mentioned in this handbook, please consult the individual country reports on radicalisation and resilience (WP4) that are included at the GREASE consortium website,
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Series/Number: [Global Governance Programme]; GREASE; 2020; [Cultural Pluralism]
Publisher: European University Institute
Other topic(s): Cultural Pluralism
Grant number: H2020/770640/EU
Sponsorship and Funder information:
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 770640.
Files associated with this item
- Name:
- Good Practices Handbook WP4 ...
- Size:
- 512.5Kb
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- Description:
- Full-text in Open Access