Date: 2007
Type: Thesis
Corporate accountability in international environmental law : emerging standards and the contribution of international organizations
Florence : European University Institute, 2007, EUI, LAW, PhD Thesis
MORGERA, Elisa, Corporate accountability in international environmental law : emerging standards and the contribution of international organizations, Florence : European University Institute, 2007, EUI, LAW, PhD Thesis -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This study aims to define the legal contours of the concept of corporate accountability in international environmental law. This concept is often related to the insistent calls by international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and academics to ensure some sort o f international oversight over private companies, particularly multinational ones, to avoid the most serious environmental harm caused by them. Corporate accountability is also equally relevant when considering the growing practice of international organizations to increasingly engage the private sector in attaining global goals for the protection of the environment.
Additional information:
Defence date: 15 February 2007; Examining Board: Prof. Pierre-Marie Dupuy (European University Institute); Prof. Francesco Francioni (European University Institute); Prof. Alan Boyle (University of Edinburgh); Prof. Tullio Scovazzi (University of Milano-Bicocca); First made available online: 20 July 2021
Cadmus permanent link:
Full-text via DOI: 10.2870/895789
Series/Number: EUI; LAW; PhD Thesis
Publisher: European University Institute
LC Subject Heading: Environmental law, International; Social responsibility of business; Tort liability of corporations
Published version:;