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dc.contributor.authorBODNAR, Adam
dc.contributor.authorDELBOS-CORFIELD, Gwendoline
dc.contributor.authorPARDAVI, Márta
dc.contributor.authorPECH, Laurent
dc.contributor.editorHOPKINS, Valerie
dc.descriptionThis contribution was delivered online on 6 May 2021 on the occasion of the hybrid 2021 edition of EUI State of the Union on ‘Europe in a Changing World '.
dc.descriptionPart of the #SoU2021 Fringe Events, this panel, organised by SoU’s Partners and Stakeholders [EUI School of Transnational Governance (STG), Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Netherland's Helsinki committee, Herties School of Executive Education with the contribution of Stiftung Mercator], contributed with an alternative intellectually independent perspective to the overarching theme ‘Europe in a Changing World’.
dc.description.abstractRule of law, fundamental rights and civil society space in the EU are at the centre of divisive political and legal debates as they come under increasing pressure in many member states. To date, the EU has not been able to halt democratic backsliding and the erosion of core EU values despite investing in an evolving toolbox to address these challenges. More immediate crises overshadow what are worrying parallel trends of decreasing citizen trust in justice systems in a number of EU countries, and the emergence of measures capable of undermining mutual trust among member states. Looking beyond the legal and political instruments available to strengthen the rule of law, this panel will focus on the supporting architecture for strengthening the rights protection of European citizens. The panellists, drawing on their experience within national human rights institutions, EU institutions, civil society and academia, will discuss how transnational initiatives can act and cooperate more effectively to protect civic space. The event is connected to the Recharging Advocacy for Rights in Europe project that seeks to empower 25 European human rights NGOs through a two-years capacity- and alliance-building programme.en
dc.description.sponsorshipSiftung Mercator
dc.publisherEuropean University Institute
dc.relation.ispartofseriesThe State of the Union Conferenceen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesFringe Eventen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesAlliances for better protecting the rule of law and civic space in the EUen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSession 1en
dc.subject.otherValues and rightsen
dc.titleAlliances for better protecting the rule of law and civic space in the EUen

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