Date: 2021
Type: Working Paper
Twentieth-century international economic thinking, and the complex history of globalization : a new research programme
Working Paper, EUI HEC, 2021/01, ECOINT
SLUGA, Glenda, Twentieth-century international economic thinking, and the complex history of globalization : a new research programme, EUI HEC, 2021/01, ECOINT -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This Working Paper is the first in a series launched as a platform to make openly accessible and put forward for debate knowledge generated in the ERC funded project “Twentieth-Century International Economic Thinking, and the Complex History of Globalization (ECOINT)”. This first paper outlines the terms of that project, its major concerns and ambitions, including the generation of cutting-edge knowledge on the struggles over economic ideas that have fashioned the paths to globalization, and social history of women economic thinkers in international institutions.
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ISSN: 1725-6720
Series/Number: EUI HEC; 2021/01; ECOINT
Publisher: European University Institute
Grant number: H2020/885285/EU
Sponsorship and Funder information:
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 885285 ).