Date: 2021
Type: Thesis
Essays in empirical microeconomics
Florence : European University Institute, 2021, EUI, ECO, PhD Thesis
CHARPIN, Agnès, Essays in empirical microeconomics, Florence : European University Institute, 2021, EUI, ECO, PhD Thesis -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This thesis is composed of three independent chapters in applied microeconomics. The first chapter contributes to the growing literature on parenting in economics, by providing causal evidence of the impact of parenting on child development. The second and third chapters belong to the field of labour economics, the former analysing gender differences in career choices in a unique setting, and the latter causally estimating the impact of local labour market gender composition on workers’ behaviours. Even though the three chapters are distant in terms of topics, they have one important similarity: they all answer societal questions, by relying on observational data and putting great importance on the technics used to identify the parameters of interest. The first chapter studies the long-term effects of growing up with more or less protective parents. To induce quasi-experimental variation in parental attitudes, we focus on rare but shocking events: nearby child kidnappings. Using geo-localized information from the PSID and a matching strategy (of U.S. counties), we find that the occurrence of a kidnapping causes a decrease in children’s cognitive skills and lowers the probability of finishing high school. Turning to mechanisms, we find no evidence that kidnappings make parents or children more neurotic. However, they change parenting style, limiting the time children spend unsupervised and decreasing parental involvement. The second chapter studies gender differences in early occupational choices in a context in which the traditional explanations for occupational segregation, namely human capital investment and discrimination, are shut down. This setting allows to focus on the role of individual preferences for particular job attributes in explaining gender-based occupational segregation. Using unique data on the mechanism used in France to allocate medical students to residency positions, we find that men and women facing virtually equivalent occupational choice sets make drastically different career choices. We show that this result holds when focusing on unconstrained choices, which suggests that preferences for job attributes play an important role in determining gender-based occupational segregation. We then estimate gender differences in preferences for these job attributes when facing external constraints on their choices, relying on an incentivized preference elicitation mechanism. We do not find evidence suggesting that men and women differ in their propensity to prefer location over occupation. Motivated by the observation that there exists a gender gap in the amount that freebilling physicians decide to set in France (thereafter exceedances), the third chapter studies the effect of local gender composition on physicians’ tarification behaviour and activity. To isolate the effect of gender composition from potential confounding factors, I use (i) the panel dimension of the data to get rid of unobserved heterogeneity, and (ii) an instrumental variable strategy solving the endogeneity of gender composition to shocks to the local environment. I use data on the universe of French private physicians, and construct local labour markets using information on commuting times. I find that an increase in female composition leads to an increase in fees, exceedances and number of procedures performed, on average. When looking at men and women separately, I find that while the effect on fees and number of procedures is similar for both genders, feminization increases men’s exceedances, and marginally reduces women’s. I also find that the effect on men’s exceedances is concentrated towards the middle of the female composition distribution, while the negative effect on women is driven by local labour markets on which the share of women is already high.
Table of Contents:
-- Part 1 Stranger Danger: Parental Attitudes, Child Development and the Fear of Kidnapping -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Data -- 1.2.1 The Panel Study of Income Dynamics -- 1.2.2 Kidnapping Cases -- 1.2.3 County-Level Characteristics -- 1.3 Theoretical Framework -- 1.3.1 Production Function of Skills -- 1.3.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis -- 1.4 Matching Strategy and Balancing Tests -- 1.4.1 The Matching Procedure -- 1.4.2 Definition of Treatment -- 1.4.3 Balancing Tests -- 1.5 Factor Analysis and Descriptive Statistics -- 1.6 Empirical Results -- 1.6.1 Empirical Specifications -- 1.6.2 Results on Skills at Childhood -- 1.6.3 Results on Outcomes at Adulthood -- 1.6.4 Heterogeneity of Results -- 1.7 Mechanisms -- 1.7.1 Effects on Young Adults’ and Parents’ Psychological Distress -- 1.7.2 Effects on Parenting Styles -- 1.8 Robustness Checks -- 1.8.1 Changing the Definition of Treatment -- 1.8.2 Changing the Empirical Strategy: Difference-in-Differences -- 1.9 Placebo Tests -- 1.10 Conclusion -- References -- Appendix 1.A The Structure of the PSID -- Appendix 1.B The Stranger Danger -- Appendix 1.C Age Standardization of the Measures -- Appendix 1.D County-Level Balancing Tests -- Appendix 1.E The Mahalanobis Matching Procedure -- Appendix 1.F The Double LASSO Algorithm -- Appendix 1.G Mechanism Heterogeneity -- Part 2 Gender Differences in Career Choices: Evidence from French Physicians -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Contribution to the Literature -- 2.3 Institutional Setting -- 2.4 Data -- 2.4.1 The National Ranking Examinations -- 2.4.2 O*NET -- 2.5 Gender Differences in Occupational Choices -- 2.5.1 Estimation Strategy -- 2.5.2 Baseline Results -- 2.5.3 Unconstrained Choices -- 2.5.4 Constrained Choices -- 2.6 Robustness Checks -- 2.6.1 Alternative Definition of Groups with Similar Choice Sets -- 2.6.2 Alternative Definitions of Unconstrainedness -- 2.7 Conclusion-- References -- Appendix 2.A The Simulation Phase -- Appendix 2.B Baseline Results, Complementary Material -- Appendix 2.C Illustrative Data Sample of the Simulation Phase -- Appendix 2.D Gender Differences in the Probability of Downgrading -- Part 3 Gender Composition and Physicians’ Tarification Behaviour -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Contribution to the Literature -- 3.3 Motivation -- 3.4 Institutional Framework -- 3.4.1 The French Healthcare System: A Dual Labour Market -- 3.4.2 The Feminization Phenomenon -- 3.5 Data and Descriptive Statistics -- 3.5.1 Private Physicians in France -- 3.5.2 Local Labour Markets -- 3.6 Descriptive Analysis -- 3.6.1 The Gender Gaps in Health Occupations -- 3.6.2 Gender Gaps and Gender Composition -- 3.7 Identification Strategy -- 3.7.1 Threats to Identification -- 3.7.2 The Instrumental Variable Strategy -- 3.7.3 Main Specifications -- 3.8 Results -- 3.8.1 Baseline-- 3.8.2 Heterogeneity -- 3.9 Conclusion -- References -- Appendix 3.A Travel Times and Weights -- Appendix 3.B Variation in the Dependent Variables -- Appendix 3.C Are the Results Driven by Composition Effects?
Additional information:
Defence date: 10 June 2021; Examining Board: Professor Andrea Ichino (European University Institute); Professor Michèle Belot (Cornell University); Professor Melanie Lührmann (Royal Holloway, University of London); Professor Hillel Rapoport (Paris School of Economics)
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Full-text via DOI: 10.2870/063232
Series/Number: EUI; ECO; PhD Thesis
Publisher: European University Institute
LC Subject Heading: Macroeconomics; Families -- Economic aspects; Sex role -- Economic aspects