Date: 2021
Type: Other
US : economic indicators and trade with EU
RSCAS, [Global Governance Programme], GlobalStat, European Parliament, At a Glance InfoGraphics, 2021/623557
MACSAI, Gyorgyi, SABBATI, Giulio, TKALEC, Igor, US : economic indicators and trade with EU, RSCAS, [Global Governance Programme], GlobalStat, European Parliament, At a Glance InfoGraphics, 2021/623557 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The US-EU trading relationship is one of the biggest in the world, even though the overall value of traded goods dropped in 2020 in the pandemic. The EU and US economies account for about half the entire world's GDP, and for nearly a third of world trade flows. The European Commission reported in 2016 that over 10 million European jobs depend on exports to the USA. This Infographic provides you with essential data on trade between the EU and US. This is a further updated edition of an infographic, the last edition of which was published in October 2019.
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Series/Number: RSCAS; [Global Governance Programme]; GlobalStat; European Parliament; At a Glance InfoGraphics; 2021/623557
Publisher: GlobalStat
Keyword(s): GDP Labour market Trade Investment USA
Other topic(s): CoFoE EU in the world
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- EPRS_ATA(2018)623557_EN.pdf
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