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dc.contributor.editorHOEKMAN, Bernard M.
dc.contributor.editorZEDILLO, Ernesto
dc.identifier.citationWashington : Brookings Institution Press, 2021en
dc.description.abstractDespite troubled trade negotiations, global trade—and trade policy—will thrive in the twenty-first century, but with a bow to the past. Is the multilateral trading order of the twentieth century a historical artifact? Was the creation of the World Trade Organization in 1995 the high point of multilateral cooperation on trade? This new volume, edited by Bernard M. Hoekman and Ernesto Zedillo, assesses the relevance of the WTO in the context of the rise of China and the United States’ turn toward unilateral protectionism. The contributors adopt a historical perspective to discuss changes in global trade policy trends, adducing lessons from the past to help understand current trade tensions. Topics include responses to U.S. protectionism under the Trump administration, the policy dimensions of trade in services and the rise of the digital economy, how to strengthen the WTO to better negotiate new rules of the game and adjudicate disputes, managing China’s integration into the global trade system, and the implications of global value chains for economic development policies. By reflecting on past episodes of protectionism and how they were resolved, Trade in the 21st Century provides both context and guidance on how trade challenges can be addressed in the coming decades.en
dc.description.tableofcontents-- Introduction: The International Trading System in Prostration, Courtesy of the United States -- PART I. TRADE POLICY TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS -- 1. The Pre-Trump Build-up of Trade Discrimination: Scale, Drivers, and Effects -- 2. Antidumping and Market Competition: Implications for Emerging Economies -- 3. The Trade Policy of the United States under the Trump Administration -- 4. China and the World Trading System: Will “In and Up” Be Replaced by “Down and Out”? -- 5. Trade Wars: Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition -- 6. “We Can Also Do Stupid”: The EU Response to “America First” Protectionism -- 7. Burning Down the House? The Appellate Body at the Center of the WTO Crisis -- PART II. CHALLENGES FOR MULTILATERAL COOPERATION -- 8. The Agricultural Challenge in the Twenty-First Century -- 9. Subsidies, Spill-overs, and Multilateral Cooperation -- 10. Disentangling Data Flows: Inside and Outside the Multinational Company -- 11. What Can Be Done to Blunt Potential Conflict between Climate Change and Trade Policies? -- 12. Regional Trade Agreements and Trade Costs in Services -- PART III. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND THE TRADING SYSTEM -- 13. From Global Value Chains to Global Development Chains: Changing Paradigms -- 14. The Aid for Trade Initiative: A WTO Attempt at Coherence -- 15. Bananas, Subject of the Longest Transatlantic Dispute in the World Trading System: A Post-mortem -- 16. Unilateral Liberalization within the GATT/WTO System -- Appendix: Selected Publications by Patrick Messerlinen
dc.publisherBrookings Institution Pressen
dc.titleTrade in the 21st century : back to the past?en

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