Date: 2021
Type: Other
Effectiveness of single-use plastic bag bans in Africa : barriers and potential solutions
STG Policy Briefs, 2021/21
KIBII, Caroline Jepchumba, Effectiveness of single-use plastic bag bans in Africa : barriers and potential solutions, STG Policy Briefs, 2021/21 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
In an attempt to reduce plastic pollution, African countries began by eradicating single-use plastic bags by developing policies and regulations prohibiting their manufacture, distribution, importation, or usage outrightly or partially. Bans were introduced to eliminate the bags entirely from the market chains; however, they faced several obstacles. This policy brief discusses the barriers hinderingthe effectiveness of the single-use plastic bag bans in Africa and proposes potential actions to counter the impediments. The brief is informed by insights from discussions held in September 2021 with high-level individuals composed of professors and experts from the European University Institute and beyond who have been involved in the formulation and implementation of plastic bag policies or have steered sustainable development beyond Africa. The author developed the recommendations based explicitly on the identified hindrances. The need to harmonise bag ban policies across the continent and engage in transboundary dialogues to address border porosity are some of the key
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Full-text via DOI: 10.2870/44613
ISSN: 2600-271X
Series/Number: STG Policy Briefs; 2021/21
Publisher: European University Institute