Date: 2021
Type: Technical Report
European rail : more central than ever
Technical Report, Network Industries Quarterly, 2021, Vol. 23, No. 4[Florence School of Regulation], [Transport]
FINGER, Matthias, LAPENKOVA, Irina (editor/s), FINGER, Matthias, LAPENKOVA, Irina, European rail : more central than ever, Network Industries Quarterly, 2021, Vol. 23, No. 4[Florence School of Regulation], [Transport] -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This special issue of NIQ concludes the EU’s ‘year of rail.’ Over the past 30 years the EU has driven the transformation of the European rail sector with the aim of making it more efficient and more competitive vis-à-vis road. It has defined and actively pursued a liberalisation agenda through four railway packages. Recent policies to decarbonise the economy and the important role of transport in them have added both pressure and support. This special issue aims to document these efforts by giving the floor to some of the main actors in the process.
Table of Contents:
- 30 years of rail reform in the EU: a ‘big-picture’ approach, Matthias Finger, Juan Montero; - Rail’s role in the age of decarbonisation, Maurizio Castelletti; - Progress in implementing the Commission’s targets for mode split, Chris Nash, Andrew Smith, Hana Fitzová;
- Europe’s unavoidable need for ever stronger railways, Alberto Mazzola, Matteo Mussini, Ethem Pekin
Cadmus permanent link:
ISSN: 1662-6176
Series/Number: [Florence School of Regulation]; [Transport]
Publisher: Florence School of Regulation, Transport Area
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