Date: 2022
Type: Working Paper
Party positions toward differentiated integration : the Visegrad Group in a comparative perspective
Working Paper, EUI RSC, 2022/28, Integrating Diversity in the European Union (InDivEU)
GAGATEK, Wojciech, PŁATEK, Daniel, PŁUCIENNICZAK, Piotr, Party positions toward differentiated integration : the Visegrad Group in a comparative perspective, EUI RSC, 2022/28, Integrating Diversity in the European Union (InDivEU) -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, in diplomatic terms known as the Visegrad Group, or V4, used to be the frontrunners of democratic transformation in Central and Eastern Europe. However, more recently, their attitudes toward various aspects
of European integration underlined the heterogeneity of the enlarged EU and played an important reference point in the debates about the prospects for differentiated integration (DI). But while in diplomatic terms the Visegrad Group seems to build a block in many
contemporary EU debates, can we observe a similar set of dynamics in these countries related to party politics and DI? Our goal in this working paper is to situate the case of the V4 in a comparative regional perspective and to address two major research questions: How salient is DI for political parties? How heterogeneous are the party positions toward DI? We do so primarily relying on manifesto data and newly collected data regarding the salience of DI in national parliamentary debates.
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ISSN: 1028-3625
Series/Number: EUI RSC; 2022/28; Integrating Diversity in the European Union (InDivEU)
Publisher: European University Institute
Keyword(s): European Union Party positions Visegrad Group
Grant number: H2020/822304/EU
Sponsorship and Funder information:
This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 822304. The content of this document represents only the views of the InDivEU consortium and is its sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.