Date: 2020
Type: Working Paper
Taking ecosystems competition seriously in the digital economy : a (preliminary) dynamic competition/capabilities perspective
Working Paper, OECD, Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, DAF/COMP/WD(2020)90
PETIT, Nicolas, TEECE, David J., Taking ecosystems competition seriously in the digital economy : a (preliminary) dynamic competition/capabilities perspective, OECD, Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, DAF/COMP/WD(2020)90 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This paper discusses digital ecosystems. It first describes the common properties of business ecosystems and the idiosyncrasies of digital ecosystems. It then explains how dynamic capabilities provide a good understanding of ecosystem competition. It closes by exploring how a dynamic capabilities/competition-minded antitrust policy would look like. The paper was prepared for for the OECD hearing on Competition Economics of Digital Ecosystems (3 December 2020).
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Series/Number: OECD; Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs; DAF/COMP/WD(2020)90
Publisher: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)