Date: 2022
Type: Thesis
War of choice : the paradox of humanitarian intervention : the case of Libya (2011)
Florence : European University Institute, 2022, EUI, STG, Master Thesis, 2022
AHMAD, Hala, War of choice : the paradox of humanitarian intervention : the case of Libya (2011), Florence : European University Institute, 2022, EUI, STG, Master Thesis, 2022 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
In early 2011, a series of mass demonstrations and public protests took place in a few Arab countries within the Middle East and North Africa region, demanding the overthrow of autocratic regimes that had been ruling for decades. Different interpretations were taken at the national and international levels to deal with these movements. The Libyan version of the Arab Spring received a different response by brotherly Arab states and Western countries. The thesis examines NATO's military operation in Libya, which was considered by many as humanitarian intervention to justify NATO's geostrategic interest in pushing for military intervention. To this end, the thesis examines the position of certain NATO allies, namely the United States and France, both claiming that their engagement in Libya was not only motivated by humanitarian purposes, but also to pursue their national interest. Additionally, the thesis sheds light on Arab perspectives represented by the League of Arab States, as well as individual Arab governments, including Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Jordan, who had a crucial role during NATO intervention.
Additional information:
Award date: 17 June 2022. Supervisor: Professor Fabrizio Tassinari, European University Institute
Cadmus permanent link:
Full-text via DOI: 10.2870/6623194
Series/Number: EUI; STG; Master Thesis; 2022
Publisher: European University Institute