Date: 2022
Type: Working Paper
The social roots of the transnational cleavage : education, occupation, and sex
Working Paper, EUI RSC, 2022/53, European Governance and Politics Programme
HOOGHE, Elisabeth, MARKS, Gary, The social roots of the transnational cleavage : education, occupation, and sex, EUI RSC, 2022/53, European Governance and Politics Programme -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
We develop a micro approach to assess how social structure is expressed in voting for Green and TAN parties. Using a cleavage perspective we explain the rise of green and TAN parties as a response to a single exogenous shock, an information revolution that transformed capitalism, recast relations among the sexes, and produced the transnational cleavage. We argue that the field in which a person is educated is more influential than the level of education in conditioning a person’s partisanship on the contemporary cleavage, and we extend a field theory of education to occupational variation and gendered sorting to explain vote choice.
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ISSN: 1028-3625
Series/Number: EUI RSC; 2022/53; European Governance and Politics Programme
Publisher: European University Institute
Keyword(s): Transnational Cleavage Gender Education Educational field