Date: 2022
Type: Book
Lessons on the political economy of European integration : selected topics
Lisbon : Universidade Católica Editora, 2022
BONGARDT, Annette, TORRES, Francisco S., Lessons on the political economy of European integration : selected topics, Lisbon : Universidade Católica Editora, 2022
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This book applies a political economy lens and an interdisciplinary approach to the European integration process, analysing its sustainability. It aims at complementing the lectures on the topic in order to capacitate students to critically analyse the on-going processes of European integration as well as the current challenges facing the EU. It discusses the evolution of European integration in terms of its various stages, with emphasis on its regulatory character, notably EU trade, the Single Market, Economic and Monetary Union and the European Green Deal, and examines the issue of the optimal size and scope of the Union.
Table of Contents:
-- Introduction
-- Chapter 1 -- A brief overview of the European integration process from WWII to the present
-- Chapter 2 -- What is the EU and how is it governed? Institutions, governance and legitimacy
-- Chapter 3 -- How far should integration go? Scope (and progress) of EU integration
-- Chapter 4 -- The EU’s optimal size: the limits of differentiated integration
-- Chapter 5 -- EU trade: trade liberalization and new trade dynamics
-- Chapter 6 -- The European single market and competition policy
-- Chapter 7 -- Environment, climate and energy policies and beyond
-- Chapter 8 -- The building up of a monetary union: the role of economic ideas
-- Chapter 9 -- Monetary Union: Costs, benefits, adjustment and sustainability
-- Chapter 10 -- Eurozone at work: the ECB’s monetary policy, independence and accountability
-- Chapter 11 -- The crises: Completing economic union and preparing a sustainable exit strategy
-- About the authors
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ISBN: 9789725408711
Publisher: Universidade Católica Editora