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dc.contributor.authorBLIN, Louis
dc.identifier.citationParis : Maisonneuve et Larose ; Hémisphères, 2022en
dc.descriptionPublished: June 2022en
dc.description.abstractThe Saudi society has gone through an anthropological revolution since 2016, which has not translated into politics, since power remains unchanged. But the latter has modeled its policy on this profound move it espouses and tries to drive. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia embodies the aspirations of his generation to tear down the walls of a suffocating patriarchal society and to secularize it, without leaving religion behind. The secretary general of the Muslim World League, Mohammed al-Issa, supports this reformism. He drives a radical reorientation since 2016, fighting sectarianism to reconnect with religious diversity, and rejecting political Islam as well as the various types of Salafism. This book places this development in the context of a powerful current of Muslim revivalism that has gone largely unnoticed by Westerners, mostly focused on Islamism and Salafism. It links it to that of an emerging post-Wahhabi Saudi Arabia. It finally draws its consequences for the integration of Islam and its followers in France. After the jihadi winter, the humanist turn of the Muslim World League brings hope for renewal and reconciliation of Muslims with themselves and with the world.en
dc.description.tableofcontents-- Introduction -- Chapitre 1 – Oulémas contre l’islamisme -- Chapitre 2 – De l’exportation du wahhabisme à la déwahhabisation -- Chapitre 3 - La Ligue islamique mondiale dans l’Arabie post-wahhabite -- Chapitre 4 – Le renouveau de l’humanisme musulman -- Chapitre 5 – Islam en France, islam de France -- Chapitre 6 – La Ligue islamique mondiale et la France -- Conclusions -- Bibliographiefr
dc.publisherMaisonneuve et Laroseen
dc.titleLa ligue Islamique mondiale : le renouveau musulman?en

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