Date: 2023
Type: Book
EU responses to the large-scale refugee displacement from Ukraine : an analysis on the temporary protection directive and its implications for the future EU asylum policy
Florence : European University Institute, 2023[Migration Policy Centre]
CARRERA, Sergio, INELI CIGER, Meltem (editor/s), CARRERA, Sergio, INELI CIGER, Meltem, EU responses to the large-scale refugee displacement from Ukraine : an analysis on the temporary protection directive and its implications for the future EU asylum policy, Florence : European University Institute, 2023[Migration Policy Centre] -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This Book examines the European Union’s policy responses to large-scale dis- placement of refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine and the activation and imple- mentation of the Temporary Protection Directive from interdisciplinary per- spectives. The activation of the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive for the first time in European history to receive nearly 5 million people fleeing the war Ukraine begs the following question: Does it represent a new era or a turn- ing-point in EU asylum policy? The various chapter contributions assess this question by first analysing central issues related to the scope, implementation and debates raised by the Temporary Protection Directive. In particular, various chapters focus on the implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive across various European countries, its medium and long-term impacts, as well as ‘lessons learned’ from policies adopted by non-EU states hosting large-scale refugee communities. The Book then studies the extent to which the Tempo- rary Protection Directive represents a game-changer in the wider EU asylum policies by comparing the EU’s temporary protection policy covering Ukrain- ian refugees with the one driving the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum and Member States’ asylum policies towards non-European refugees, which put especial emphasis on contained mobility, responsibility shifting and external- isation. This includes an assessment of the relationship and compatibility of EU asylum policies with international and EU rights and principles, with par- ticular attention to those related to non-discrimination, solidarity, and justice.
Table of Contents:
-- Section I. The Activation of the Temporary Protection Directive in 2022: A Turning Point in EU Asylum Law and Policy
-- Chapter 1. The EU Grants Temporary Protection for People Fleeing War in Ukraine: Time to Rethink Unequal Solidarity in EU Asylum Policy
-- Chapter 2. Reasons for the Activation of the Temporary Protection Directive in 2022: A Tale of Double Standards
-- Chapter 3. The Eternal Question: What Does “Mass Influx” Really Mean? Reflections After the First Activation of the Temporary Protection Directive 2001/55
-- Chapter 4. Are Those Fleeing Ukraine Refugees?
-- Chapter 5. The Right to Choose Country of Asylum: The 1951 Convention and the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive
-- Section II. Responses of the EU+ Countries to the Ukrainian Displacement
-- Chapter 6. Attitudes towards Ukrainian Refugees and Governmental Responses in 8 European Countries
-- Chapter 7. About-face or Camouflage? Hungary and the Refugees from Ukraine
-- Chapter 8. Stabilisation of Emergency Measures: Poland’s Refugee Reception System One Month After the Russian Attack on Ukraine
-- Chapter 9. Visas Still Required: The UK Response to the Protection Needs Generated by Russian Aggression in Ukraine
-- Chapter 10. Asylum in Europe at the Time of the Temporary Protection for Ukrainians and Beyond – Conflicting Models and the Potential Role of Domestic Courts
-- Section III. Procedures, Reception, Rights, and Agencies
-- Chapter 11. The Right to Family Reunification under the Temporary Protection Directive and Council Decision 2022/382: Preserving Family Unity for the Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection
-- Chapter 12. Addressing Security and Criminality Concerns: The Temporary Protection Directive’s ‘Exclusion Clauses’ Unpacked
-- Chapter 13. Processing Personal Data of Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection: An Analysis on the Expansion of the Eurodance Scope
-- Chapter 14. Temporary Protection: The Ukrainian Field Trial
-- Chapter 15. Frontex Assisting in the Ukrainian Displacement – A Welcoming Committee at Racialised Passage?
-- Chapter 16. Time to Address the Absence of ‘Gender’ in the Temporary Protection Directive and its Recent Implementation
-- Section IV. Lessons Learned from Türkiye’s Response to Syrian Influx
-- Chapter 17. Registration Insights from Türkiye’s Temporary Protection Experience
-- Chapter 18. The Importance of Early, Proactive, and Transparent Measures for a Successful Local Integration Process
-- Chapter 19. Next Step after the Termination of Temporary Protection Regime: Transition to Refugee Status Determination (RSD) Procedures?
-- Section V. The EU Response to Ukrainian Displacement in Light of the Principles of Non-discrimination, Solidarity and Justice
-- Chapter 20. Temporary Protection for Ukrainians: Learning the Lessons of the 1990s?
-- Chapter 21. Preferential, Differential or Discriminatory? EU Protection Arrangements for Persons Displaced from Ukraine
-- Chapter 22. Receiving Ukrainian Refugees in the EU: A Case of Solidarity?
-- Chapter 23. Temporary Protection and European Racism
-- Chapter 24. Temporary Protection and EU Solidarity: Reflecting on European Racism
-- Chapter 25. Europe’s Selective Dehumanisation: The Revival of Geographical Determinism as Rationalisation to Justify the Preferential Protection of Ukrainian Refugees in the EU
-- Chapter 26. The Declaration on a Voluntary Solidarity Mechanism and EU Asylum Policy One Step Forward, Three Steps Back on Equal Solidarity
Cadmus permanent link:
Full-text via DOI: 10.2870/90812
ISBN: 9789294663948
Series/Number: [Migration Policy Centre]
Publisher: European University Institute
Grant number: H2020/870787/EU
Sponsorship and Funder information:
This Book falls within the scope of the ASILE Project. ASILE studies the interactions between emerging international protection systems and the United Nations Global Compact for Refugees (UN GCR), with particular focus on the EU’s role. It examines the characteristics of inter- national and country-specific asylum governance instruments and arrangements, and their compatibility with international and regional human rights and refugee laws. The ASILE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 870787.