Date: 2023
Type: Other
Nonviolence goes digital : a research and policy agenda
EUI, STG, Policy Analysis, 2023/12
BALDOLI, Roberto, HERMANIN, Costanza, RADAELLI, Claudio M., Nonviolence goes digital : a research and policy agenda, EUI, STG, Policy Analysis, 2023/12 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
What is the relationship between nonviolence and the digital world? To map a possible agenda for research and policy advocacy, we start from the observation that today there is no separation between online and offline. This observation has implications for nonviolent political theory and action. We proceed from a definition of nonviolence that is broader than peaceful protest and we extract two fundamental dimensions of nonviolent praxis: plurality and freedom. We then take these dimensions to propose a typology of modes of nonviolent action in the digital world. Empirically, we populate the typology with examples and look in detail at the experience called Citbot. This is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool created by the Associazione Luca Coscioni in Italy. Our review of concepts and experiences allows us to sketch some concluding reflections on a possible research agenda on nonviolence in the digital world.
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ISSN: 2600-271X
Series/Number: EUI; STG; Policy Analysis; 2023/12
Publisher: European University Institute
Sponsorship and Funder information:
Research for this paper and participation to the ECPR conference were carried out with the contribution of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies network grant “European Nonviolence Network, ENN”.
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