Date: 2023
Type: Other
US : economic indicators and trade with EU
[Global Governance Programme], GlobalStat, Knowledge, Governance, Transformations, European Parliament, At a Glance InfoGraphics, 2023/623557
MACSAI, Gyorgyi, VENTURA, Raffaele, US : economic indicators and trade with EU, [Global Governance Programme], GlobalStat, Knowledge, Governance, Transformations, European Parliament, At a Glance InfoGraphics, 2023/623557 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This infographic provides an insight into the economic performance of the United States (US) compared with the European Union (EU), and looks at the trade dynamics between them. The US unemployment rate rose substantially in 2009 following the financial crisis. This was followed by a steady fall in unemployment from 2010 onwards, with the exception of the COVID-19 years (2020 and 2021) when a new steep increase was recorded. Both foreign direct investment (FDI) and remittances remained relatively low and stable between 2007 and 2022, accounting for only a small share of US gross domestic product, while the EU’s FDI has fluctuated, and its inward remittances have gradually increased. The EU’s trade with the US has shown a generally upward trend, with a sharp increase after the 2020 global economic slowdown.
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Series/Number: [Global Governance Programme]; GlobalStat; Knowledge, Governance, Transformations; European Parliament; At a Glance InfoGraphics; 2023/623557
Publisher: European University Institute
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