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Between prayers and negotiations : jesuits in 16th and 17th century Japan

dc.contributor.authorCABRAL BERNABÉ, Renata
dc.identifier.citationDimensões: revista de história da Ufes, 2023, No. 50, pp. 129-149en
dc.descriptionPublished: 20 July 2023en
dc.description.abstractApós o cristianismo ser proibido no Japão, por força de um edito promulgado em 1614, os membros da Companhia de Jesus sofreram duras críticas dos missionários de outras ordens. No ano seguinte ao edito, o frade franciscano Sebastião de São Pedro redigiu um tratado no qual culpava os jesuítas por terem provocado a perseguição no Japão. Para Sebastião, a participação da Companhia de Jesus no comércio da seda chinesa vendida no Japão pelos comerciantes portugueses criara uma série de inimizades com autoridades japonesas que, para se verem livres dos jesuítas, prejudicaram toda a cristandade. Em 1617, o provincial jesuíta Valentim Carvalho, compôs uma Apologia rebatendo as críticas do frade. Através das problemáticas levantadas por essas duas obras, esse artigo pretende analisar e envolvimento dos jesuítas no comércio da seda assim como os acordos que os padres costuraram com lideranças locais e comerciantes
dc.description.abstractAfter Christianity was forbidden in Japan by an edict promulgated in 1614, the members of the Society of Jesus were harshly criticized by missionaries of other Catholic orders. The year following the edict, the Franciscan friar Sebastian de San Pedro wrote a treatise in which he blamed the Jesuits for having provoked the persecution in Japan. For Sebastian, the participation of the Society of Jesus in the trade of the Chinese silk sold in Japan by Portuguese merchants had created hostility from the Japanese authorities who, in order to get rid of the Jesuits, harmed the whole Japanese Christendom. In 1617, the Jesuit provincial, Valentim Carvalho, composed an Apologia rebutting the friar’s criticisms. This article aims to analyze the Jesuit involvement in the silk trade and the agreements the priests made with local leaders and Portuguese merchants through the controversies raised in these two works.en
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 101054345) - CAPASIAen
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Espirito Santoen
dc.relation.ispartofDimensões: revista de história da Ufesen
dc.titleEntre preces e negociações : os jesuítas no Japão dos séculos XVI e XVIIpt
dc.titleBetween prayers and negotiations : jesuits in 16th and 17th century Japanen
dc.rights.licenseAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*

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