Date: 2023
Type: Article
Clientelism and electoral competition : the case of Chile’s municipalities
Title: Clientelism and electoral competition : the case of Chile’s municipalities;
Clientelismo y competencia electoral : el caso de los municipios chilenos
Clientelismo y competencia electoral : el caso de los municipios chilenos
Revista de ciencia política, 2023, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 489-521
LIVERT, Felipe, AVILA, Gabriel, CARRASCO, Constanza, Clientelism and electoral competition : the case of Chile’s municipalitiesClientelism and electoral competition : the case of Chile’s municipalities; Clientelismo y competencia electoral : el caso de los municipios chilenos, Revista de ciencia política, 2023, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 489-521
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Patronage is often considered a subtype of clientelism that arises through reciprocal arrangements between a politician and a citizen, where electoral support is rewarded with public employment. In Chile, there is evidence of clientelist practices at the municipal level. However, these studies have mainly had a qualitative focus. To complement these studies, this research aims to provide quantitative evidence using panel data and two-way fixed effects. Thus, we analyse the personnel hiring through the Mercado Público platform between 2009 and 2017 across the country’s 345 municipalities, finding evidence that support two hypotheses: (i) there is a political budget cycle, increasing spending by 14.9% during the election year and (ii) independent politicians spend less on hiring people than mayors who are militants of political parties, being this expenditure -9.8% less for independents than for the latter. These results seek to complement other research on clientelism and patronage in a context of the rise of independent politicians and citizen questioning of traditional political parties, as well as the relevance of public spending in local governments.
Additional information:
Published online: December 2023
Cadmus permanent link:
Full-text via DOI: 10.4067/s0718-090x2023005000120
ISSN: 0718-090X
Publisher: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Sponsorship and Funder information:
Funding support from Margarita Salas, the Spanish Ministry of Universities, and the European Union, specifically through the European Union-Next Generation EU program.
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