Date: 2023
Type: Book
Digital finance in the EU : drivers, risks, opportunities
Florence : European University Institute, 2023RSC, [Florence School of Banking and Finance], EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy (EU-SDFA)
BECK, Thorsten Harald Leopold, GIANI, Leonardo, SCIASCIA, Giuseppe (editor/s), BECK, Thorsten Harald Leopold, GIANI, Leonardo, SCIASCIA, Giuseppe, Digital finance in the EU : drivers, risks, opportunities, Florence : European University Institute, 2023RSC, [Florence School of Banking and Finance], EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy (EU-SDFA) -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This e-book contains contributions on some of the main topics covered in the training activities which took place during the first academic year of the EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy (EU-SDFA), either at the European University Institute (EUI) or in workshops hosted by the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs). The EU-SDFA is a technical support project launched by the European Commission (DG REFORM) in October 2022, in cooperation with DG FISMA, the ESAs and the Florence School of Banking and Finance (Robert Schuman Centre, EUI). The e-book consists of twelve contributions from different authors grouped in three broad areas: overview of the main initiatives taken at European Union level and the challenges and perspectives from a global viewpoint; the main technologies and drivers of digital finance; the main risks and opportunities involved in digital finance. The e-book is intended to enable past and future EU-SDFA participants to complement their learning experiences, while also providing valuable documents to readers interested to get an understanding of the interplay between digital finance and supervision.
Table of Contents:
-- Section 1
-- 1. Foreword
-- 2. Introduction
-- 3. The state of digital finance in Europe
-- 4. Digital finance in the global context: Challenges and perspectives
-- Section 2
-- 1. Blockchain and DeFi – An economist’s perspective for supervisors
-- 2. Safe AI & ML
-- 3. Artificial intelligence and machine learning in the hearts of central banks and supervisors: A case study of the Dutch central bank
-- 4. Sandboxes and financial innovation facilitators
-- Section 3
-- 1. Cyber risk and the financial sector
-- 2. Fintech and green fintech – Digital innovation for the SDGs and climate agenda
-- 3. SupTech
-- 4. RegTech
-- 5. Analysing digital business models
-- 6. Selected case studies
Cadmus permanent link:
Full-text via DOI: 10.2870/51343
ISBN: 9789294664907
Series/Number: RSC; [Florence School of Banking and Finance]; EU Supervisory Digital Finance Academy (EU-SDFA)
Publisher: European University Institute
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