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dc.contributor.authorSALVATORE, Armando
dc.identifier.citationReading : Ithaca Press, 1997, International politics of the Middle East ; 4en
dc.description.abstractIslam and modernity, modernity and Islam: different approaches in historiography and the social sciences attempt to find a significant connection between these two, allegedly separate, certainly distinct, "forces of history". The option of seeing both entities as plural in an ultimate effort to de-essentialize them (see al-Azmeh, 1993), is not itself sufficient to overcome the tension inherent in their juxtaposition. Yet unbiased attempts to view both Islam and modernity in their historical, hermeneutic and discursive components animate several studies which, like most on these subjects, cannot escape an essentialist reduction of the two terms. It is often the case that de-essentializing Islam results in re-essentializing modernity, on the basis of some oversimplified - whether explicitly or implicitly - Kantian definition of the latter.en
dc.description.tableofcontents-- Preface -- Introduction. A genealogical approach to 'political Islam' and political modernity -- PART I. ORDER AND DISCOURSE -- Chapter 1. Communicative systems and the specialized quest for order -- Chapter 2. The power of discourse and the discourse of power -- Chapter 3. Public communication and frameworks of communal reference -- PART II. THE EMERGENCE OF TRANSCULTURAL DYNAMICS -- Chapter 4. The 'West' and 'Islam': opposing essentialisms in an imbalanced game -- Chapter 5. The genesis and development of 'Arab-Islamic' discourse -- Chapter 6. The sociologization of the Western construction of Islam -- PART III. THE WESTERN MAKING OF 'POLITICAL ISLAM' -- Chapter 7. The linear hermeneutics of Islam 'as such' -- Chapter 8. The crisis of Orientalism and the return of Islam -- Chapter 9. From Islam to politics, or the reverse? -- PART IV. TOWARDS AN ISLAMIC POLITICAL DISCOURSE OF MODERNITY? -- Chapter 10. The new politics of al-sahwa al-islamiyya -- Chapter 11. Is Islam the solution? -- Chapter 12. Social justice and cultural heritage (turath) -- Conclusion. Thinking Islamen
dc.publisherIthaca Pressen
dc.titleIslam and the political discourse of modernityen
dc.description.versionPublished version of EUI PhD thesis, 1994en

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