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dc.contributor.authorCARLINI, Roberta
dc.contributor.authorCÁDIMA, Francisco Rui
dc.contributor.authorFLYNN, Roderick
dc.contributor.authorKALBHENN, Jan Christopher
dc.identifier.citationElga BROGI, Iva NENADIĆ and Pier Luigi PARCU (eds), Media pluralism in the digital era : legal, economic, social, and political lessons learnt from Europe, New York ; Abingdon : Routledge, 2024, [OnlineFirst], pp. 96-115en
dc.descriptionPublished online: 13 September 2024en
dc.description(c) 2025en
dc.description.abstractMedia economic sustainability and plurality of media ownership are two elements that contribute to a healthy, competitive, and diverse media market. But they can also be conflicting goals in a sector characterised by economies of scale and technological developments which push towards concentration. In recent times, this inherent tendency of the media industry did not reverse; in fact, it is increasingly motivated based on the need to survive in the digital environment. Across the European Union as well as worldwide, media groups ask for relaxation of limits on concentration and merger control because of the need to maintain financial sustainability. This chapter explores the dilemma between media viability and plurality of media actors, and how that dilemma has evolved in the digital ecosystem of the media. It presents three case studies, for Germany, Ireland, and Portugal. For each of these countries a short history of the trends in media concentration and media viability is described with a focus on the recent evolution of the regulatory and competition framework.en
dc.relation.ispartofseries[Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF)]en
dc.titleMedia viability vs market plurality : a comparative perspective : the growing tendency towards media ownership concentration in the digital ecosystemen
dc.typeContribution to booken

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