Date: 2008
Type: Working Paper
Political Accountability as a Radial Concept
Working Paper, EUI SPS, 2008/08
STINGA, Laurentiu, Political Accountability as a Radial Concept, EUI SPS, 2008/08 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
In the current article, I attempt to conceptualize political accountability in a disciplined fashion by proposing a strategy of conceptualization based on the internal radial structure of this difficult social science concept. Furthermore, I argue that accountability is still an under-explored concept. Its meanings are used interchangeably in the literature, which is fraught with definitions based on specific empirical cases. A disciplined conceptualization of political accountability can bring resolution to longdrawn scholarly arguments of what accountability is and what it is not
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ISSN: 1725-6755
Series/Number: EUI SPS; 2008/08