Date: 2010
Type: Technical Report
High-Skilled Migration to and from Jordan
Technical Report, Legal Module, [Migration Policy Centre], [CARIM-South], CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes, 2010/05, Highly-Skilled Migration Series
OLWAN, Mohamed Y., High-Skilled Migration to and from Jordan, Legal Module, [Migration Policy Centre], [CARIM-South], CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes, 2010/05, Highly-Skilled Migration Series -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This study explores the legal aspects of high-skilled migration to and from Jordan, but it must be remembered that it is difficult to deal with this subject without taking international migration more generally into account. The study is structured in four sections: Jordanian migrant workers in the GCC countries and migrant workers in Jordan – numbers, qualifications and remittances; legal framework pertaining to border-controls in Jordan and the GCC countries; the human rights of migrant workers in Jordan and the GCC countries; and finally the bilateral workforce cooperation agreements between Jordan and Arab receiving countries.
Cette étude explore les aspects juridiques de la migration hautement qualifiée de et vers la Jordanie. Il s’agit néanmoins de garder en mémoire qu’il est difficile d’aborder un tel sujet sans tenir compte des migrations internationales dans leur ensemble. L’étude est structurée en quatre parties : les travailleurs jordaniens migrants dans les pays du Conseil de Coopération du Golfe et les travailleurs migrants en Jordanie – effectifs, qualifications et transferts financiers ; le cadre juridique relatif au contrôle des frontières en Jordanie et dans les pays du Golfe ; les droits humains des travailleurs migrants en Jordanie et dans les pays du Golfe ; et enfin, les accords bilatéraux de coopération en matière de main d’œuvre entre la Jordanie et les pays arabes de destination.
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Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM)
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Series/Number: Legal Module; [Migration Policy Centre]; [CARIM-South]; CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes; 2010/05; Highly-Skilled Migration Series