The EUI’s Department of Economics focuses on a wide range of topics in the fields of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics.
ECO Working Papers series (ISSN 1725-6704)
The EUI’s Department of History and Civilisation focuses on global, comparative, and transnational approaches to the history of Europe in the world since 1400.
HEC Working Papers series (ISSN 1725-6720)
The EUI’s Department of Law is committed to the study of law in a comparative and contextual manner, with a special focus on European and international law.
The Academy of European Law (AEL) offers advanced-level summer courses in Human Rights Law and the Law of the European Union. It also manages several important research projects and runs a publications programme.
The Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law monographs and edited volumes
AEL Working Papers series (ISSN: 1831-4066)
The Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law monographs and edited volumes
AEL Working Papers series (ISSN: 1831-4066)
An Open Access Initiative by EUI Legal Researchers (ISSN: 1973-2937)
LAW Working Papers series (ISSN 1725-6739)
At the EUI’s Department of Political and Social Sciences, research spans the fields of comparative politics, international relations, sociology, and social and political theory in Europe and beyond.
SPS Working Papers series (ISSN 1725-6755)
A special community in order to host EUI works on topical themes making research more accessible to society
Restricted collection for administrators content only
Datasets generated by the EUI academic community and affiliated projects. There are four collections of datasets: ECO, HEC, RSC and SPS
Theses defended by EUI members. It contains PhD theses for ECO, HEC, LAW and SPS departments; Master Theses for the LLM LAW programme and Master Theses and Capstone Reports for STG
Working Papers published under EUI imprint and/or authored by EUI members. There are seven series of EUI Working Papers: ECO, HEC, LAW, AEL, SPS, MWP and RSC. Additionally, there is a collection of STG Working Papers authored by their members
AEL Working Papers series (ISSN: 1831-4066)
ECO Working Papers series (ISSN 1725-6704)
HEC Working Papers series (ISSN 1725-6720)
LAW Working Papers series (ISSN 1725-6739)
MWP Working Paper series (ISSN 1830-7728)
RSC Working Papers series (ISSN 1028-3625)
SPS Working Papers series (ISSN 1725-6755)
Working Papers authored by STG members
The largest international postdoctoral programme in Europe for the humanities and social sciences, the Max Weber Programme (MWP) is credited with creating the first taught postdoctoral programme in the social and historical sciences.
MWP Working Paper series (ISSN 1830-7728)
The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies develops cutting-edge academic research and then makes it policy relevant.
RSC Policy Briefs series (ISSN 2467-4540)
RSC Policy Papers series (ISSN 1830-1541)
RSC Working Papers series (ISSN 1028-3625)
The Florence School of Transnational Governance trains current and future leaders in the methods, skills, and theory of governance beyond the state, supporting them in developing policymaking strategies that transcend national borders.
Policy Points; Policy Briefs; Policy Analyses
Working Papers authored by STG members