Date: 2010
Type: Article
Instrumentalisation of Freedom of Expression in Postmodern Legal Discourses
European journal of legal studies, 2010, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 147-170
BELAVUSAU, Uladzislau, Instrumentalisation of Freedom of Expression in Postmodern Legal Discourses, European journal of legal studies, 2010, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 147-170
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This paper rationalizes in the transatlantic perspective the instrumentalisation strategies of the right to free speech in postmodern legal discourses, stemming from the recent twenty years of American critical studies (rethinking Marxism, liberalism, nationalism, and post-structuralism). Race, gender, and sexual orientation are, consequently, the deconstructionist markers of the three legal movements discussed, namely: (1) critical race theory, (2) feminist jurisprudence, and (3) LGBT legal discourse. The respective scholars ruin a comfortable myth of the law-neutrality and deconstruct the oppressive nature of legal settings. They challenge the value of pure l'expression pour l'expression and balance freedom of expression against the yardsticks of non-discrimination, providing an account of the victim-stories, usually disregarded and silenced in the traditional juridical discourses.
Additional information:
Issue on 'Comparing law'; Published online: 02 February 2010
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ISSN: 1973-2937
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Publisher: European University Institute