Date: 2010
Type: Working Paper
Social Representations and Economic Integration in the Mediterranean Area
Working Paper, EUI RSCAS, 2010/89, Mediterranean Programme Series
CASCINELLI, Paola, Social Representations and Economic Integration in the Mediterranean Area, EUI RSCAS, 2010/89, Mediterranean Programme Series -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Do social representations affect the efficiency of economic policy? To deal with this problem I studied
the limited results of European Policy toward the Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area. While the
classical approach to economic integration explains this failure mainly as a consequence of the
political and economical costs perceived by the partners, I paid attention to the role of two adversarial
social representations: the clash of civilizations and the encounter of civilizations. Both of them
underestimate and overestimate some characteristics of the Mediterranean Area, hindering the
comprehension of regional reality, while the interaction between them nullify the possibility of benefit
of the EU Mediterranean economic policy.
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ISSN: 1028-3625
Series/Number: EUI RSCAS; 2010/89; Mediterranean Programme Series
Keyword(s): Euro Mediterranean free trade area European Union integration policy Cognitive disincentives to economic cooperation
Sponsorship and Funder information:
(Product of workshop No. 7 at the 11th MRM 2010)