ECO Contributions to Books
Recent Submissions
Title:Lessons of Keynes’s 'Economic consequences' in a turbulent century Author(s):CLAVIN, Patricia; CORSETTI, Giancarlo
; OBSTFELD, Maurice; TOOZE, AdamDate:2023Citation:Patricia CLAVIN, Giancarlo CORSETTI, Maurice OBSTFELD and Adam TOOZE (eds), Keynes's 'Economic consequences of the peace' after 100 years : polemics and policy, Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp. 1-56Type:Contribution to bookAbstract:Just over a century old, John Maynard Keynes’s The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919) remains a seminal document of the twentieth century. At the time, the book was a prescient analysis of political events to come. ...
Title:Syndicated lending and competition policy : a theoretical perspective Author(s):SCHURE, PaulDate:2005Citation:Annette BONGARDT (ed.), Competition policy in the European Union : experiences and the challenges ahead, Oeiras : Instituto Nacional de Administracao (INA), 2005, pp. 103-108Type:Contribution to bookAbstract:A syndicated loan is a loan or credit commitment granted by multiple banks. Syndicated loans are an extremely important source of external finance for the corporate sector. For example in the year 2004 banks commited more ...
Title:Economic inertia in the transitional economies of Central Eastern Europe Author(s):NUTI, Domenico MarioDate:1993Citation:Milica UVALIC, Milica, Efisio ESPA and Jochen LORENTZEN (eds), Impediments to the transition in Eastern Europe, Florence : European University Institute, 1993, European Policy Studies ; 1, pp. 25-49Type:Contribution to bookSeries/Number:[European Policy Studies]Abstract:The restoration of capitalism, opened by the 1989 revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe and by the August 1991 coup/countercoup/revolution in the former Soviet Union, was expected to put those countries back onto the ...
Title:Firm size and monetary policy transmission : evidence from German business survey data Author(s):EHRMANN, MichaelDate:2005Citation:Jan-Egbert STURM and Timo WOLLMERSHÄUSER (eds), Ifo survey data in business cycle and monetary policy analysis, Heidelberg : Physica-Verlag, 2005, pp. 145-172Version:This is a revised version of a chapter [3] of the author’s EUI PhD thesis, 2000Type:Contribution to bookAbstract:The survey data used in this paper was provided by CESifo, Munich. This paper is a revised version of ECB Working Paper No. 21. I would like to thank Mike Artis, Frank Browne, Stephen Cecchetti, Martin Ellison, Matteo ...
Title:Lessons from the great financial crisis in perspective Author(s):MARIMON, Ramon
Date:2021Citation:Youssef CASSIS and Jean-Jacques VAN HELTEN (eds), The legacy of the global financial crisis, London : I.B. Tauris, 2021, pp. 65-86Type:Contribution to book