Date: 2011
Type: Technical Report
EU National Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions: A study prepared in the framework of the European Union Democracy Observatory for the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
Technical Report, EUDO Report, 2011/03, EUDO Public Opinion Observatory
CHABANET, Didier, TRECHSEL, Alexander H., EU National Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions: A study prepared in the framework of the European Union Democracy Observatory for the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), EUDO Report, 2011/03, EUDO Public Opinion Observatory -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Inspired by a European spirit, the EU’s national economic and social councils and the EESC worked together tirelessly to create a European network of economic and social councils. Thanks to the commitment of the presidents and members of all the councils, the network has helped forge systematic and structured cooperation on topics of practical relevance in EU policy. Today, the EU’s network of economic and social councils and similar institutions is a recognised institutional set-up which is consulted and listened to by the main EU institutions.
Additional information:
The present publication is an integral part of a larger comparative study on EU Member States consultations with civil society on European policy matters. Following a call for tenders launched by the EESC, the EUDO Observatory on Public Opinion, Political Elites and the Media was commissioned to carry out the study under the direction of Didier Chabanet and Professor Alexander H. Trechsel. The publication is identical with the text published by the EESC:
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Series/Number: EUDO Report; 2011/03; EUDO Public Opinion Observatory
Sponsorship and Funder information:
This study was funded by the European Economic and Social Committee