Date: 2010
Type: Technical Report
Country report : Switzerland
Technical Report, [GLOBALCIT], EUDO Citizenship Observatory, 2010/25, Country Reports
ACHERMANN, Alberto, ACHERMANN, Christin, D'AMATO, Gianni, KAMM, Martina, VON RÜTTE, Barbara, Country report : Switzerland, [GLOBALCIT], EUDO Citizenship Observatory, 2010/25, Country Reports -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Additional information:
First published in January 2010; Revised May 2010
Cadmus permanent link:
External link:
Series/Number: [GLOBALCIT]; EUDO Citizenship Observatory; 2010/25; Country Reports
Sponsorship and Funder information:
Research for this report has been supported by Swiss Federal Office for Migration.
Version: Revised version: 2013/23
Files associated with this item
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- RSCAS_EUDO_CIT_2013_23.pdf
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- 670.6Kb
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- Full-text in Open Access