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dc.contributor.authorSTEHMANN, Oliver
dc.identifier.citationOxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1995en
dc.description.abstractThe telecommunications industry is in the throes of rapid technological and regulatory change. Markets for terminals and services have been liberalized, and only the provision of networks has remained under the control of national operators. This book analyses from an economist's point of view the benefits which may be expected from the introduction of network competition in Europe, and describes how competition can be reconciled with social objectives. The author first looks at the latest technological developments and discusses the impact of new transmission systems such as mobile phones and satellites, and the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications. He goes on to weigh up the arguments for and against network competition, looking in particular at the natural monopoly view and at universal service. The third part of the book compares policy in Europe and the USA, with a detailed analysis of the European Commission's approach, and an up-to-date view of the regulatory frameworks in five European member states. Finally, the author sets out a strategy for network competition in Europe which takes into account both the latest developments and the characteristics of the European environment.en
dc.description.tableofcontents--List of Figures and Tables xii --PART I. SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS SUPPLY AND DEMAND --1. The Demand for Telecommunications Services 3 --2. The Supply Side: Networks and Services 12 --PART II. MONOPOLY PROVISION VERSUS COMPETITION IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS --3. Public Monopoly Provision of the Network 43 --4. Concepts in the Discussion of Competition in Telecommunications 86 --5. An Assessment: Monopoly Provision versus Competition 110 --PART III. POLICY APPROACHES TOWARDS NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS --6. The Precedent: Network Competition in US Telecommunications 123 --7. Competition versus Integration: The Community's Approach 147 --8. France: Strategic Intervention into Key Sectors 178 --9. Germany: Service-Based Competition 187 --10. Telecommunications in Italy: Network Fragmentation and Regional Imbalances 209 --11. Spain: Universal Service and the Provision of VANS 225 --12. Privatization and Competition: The UK Approach 238 --13. The Regulatory Regime of International Telecommunications 257 --14. A Concluding Assessment 283 --PART IV. A STRATEGY TOWARDS FACILITY-BASED COMPEIIIION IN EUROPE --15. A Strategy towards Network Competition in the EU 291 --References 311 --Index 325en
dc.publisherOxford University Pressen
dc.titleNetwork competition for European telecommunicationsen
dc.description.versionPublished version of EUI PhD thesis, 1993en

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