Date: 2012
Type: Technical Report
Аналитический доклад по проекту на тему : Роль международной трудовой миграции для экономического развития России
Technical Report, Migration Policy Centre, CARIM-East Research Report, 2012/28
ИОНЦЕВ, Владимир, IONTSEV, Vladimir, ИВАХНЮК, Ирина, IVAKHNYUK, Irina, Аналитический доклад по проекту на тему : Роль международной трудовой миграции для экономического развития России, Migration Policy Centre, CARIM-East Research Report, 2012/28 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Additional information:
Russian version of CARIM-East RR2012/04; CARIM-East: Creating an Observatory of Migration East of Europe
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External link:
Series/Number: Migration Policy Centre; CARIM-East Research Report; 2012/28
Sponsorship and Funder information:
CARIM-East is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Union.