Date: 2015
Type: Technical Report
Migrant support measures from and employment and skills perspective (MISMES) : methodological note for the country studies
Technical Report, European Training Foundation, MISMES, [Migration Policy Centre], 2015
MARTIN, Iván, MAKARYAN, Shushanik, Migrant support measures from and employment and skills perspective (MISMES) : methodological note for the country studies, European Training Foundation, MISMES, [Migration Policy Centre], 2015 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This methodological note has been developed within the project ‘Migrant Support Measures from an Employment and Skills Perspective’ (MISMES). It is part of a series of reports presenting the main findings of the MISMES project – namely, a worldwide inventory of migrant support measures implemented in sending countries to facilitate labour mobility and increase the developmental effect of migration, and five in-depth studies in the countries which concluded mobility partnerships with the European Union (EU): Armenia, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Morocco, and Tunisia. For the purpose of these reports, MISMES are defined as specific policy interventions – pre, during and post migration – aimed at improving the labour market integration of migrant workers or the matching of their skills. This methodological note aims to provide a common template and guidelines for the implementation of MISMES country case studies. The ultimate objective of these studies is to generate information not only to draw policy conclusions at national level, but also to allow for a systematic comparison of similar MISMES across countries. In other words, our intention is to draw more general conclusions about the performance of different MISMES models in different migration contexts and to provide evidence-based contribution to an informed policy dialogue on migration in the framework of the mobility partnerships between the EU and partner countries.
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Migrant Support Measures from an Employment and Skills Perspective (MISMES)
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Series/Number: European Training Foundation; MISMES; [Migration Policy Centre]; 2015
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