Date: 1998
Type: Thesis
Essays on imperfect competition and firm heterogeneity
Florence : European University Institute, 1998, EUI, ECO, PhD Thesis
LEWIS, Andrew, Essays on imperfect competition and firm heterogeneity, Florence : European University Institute, 1998, EUI, ECO, PhD Thesis -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Table of Contents:
-- Managerial incentives and market structures
-- On technological differences in oligopolistic industries
-- Risk aversion, uncertainty and endogenous technological choice in a duopoly
-- Welfare aspects of declining industries
Additional information:
Defence date: 20 March 1998; Examining board: Prof. Stephen Martin, EUI and University of Copenhagen ; Prof. Louis Phlips, EUI, Supervisor ; Prof. Jeanne-Pierre Ponssard, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris ; Prof. Lars-Henrik Röller, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin; PDF of thesis uploaded from the Library digitised archive of EUI PhD theses completed between 2013 and 2017
Cadmus permanent link:
Series/Number: EUI; ECO; PhD Thesis
Publisher: European University Institute
LC Subject Heading: Competition, Imperfect; Business enterprises