Date: 2018
Type: Book
Private enforcement of EU competition law : the impact of the damages directive
Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018[ENTraNCE], [Florence Competition Programme]
PARCU, Pier Luigi, MONTI, Giorgio, BOTTA, Marco (editor/s), PARCU, Pier Luigi, MONTI, Giorgio, BOTTA, Marco, Private enforcement of EU competition law : the impact of the damages directive, Northampton : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018[ENTraNCE], [Florence Competition Programme] -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
During the past decade, the use of private enforcement within competition law has gradually increased throughout Europe but major differences still exist among Member States. By harmonizing a number of procedural rules, the implementation of the Damages Directive has established a level playing field among EU Member States. This book represents the first assessment of the implementation of the Damages Directive at the national level. The contributors explore the topic from a cross-cutting perspective as well as via a set of country case studies. Each chapter focuses on a number of procedural aspects harmonized by the Directive, and analyses the impact of the Directive by taking into consideration the national jurisprudence and the existing legal framework at the national level. By using a comparative lens, this timely book thus provides an up-to-date account of the emerging trends in private enforcement of competition law in Europe. Perceptive and engaging, this book will appeal to students and researchers in EU competition law and policy. Practitioners and national competition authorities will also find it informative and beneficial.
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction, Pier Luigi Parcu, Giorgio Monti, Marco Botta
2. Practical Challenges for Cross-Border Follow-On Actions, Till Schreiber, Carsten Krüger and Pádraic Burke
3. Liability issues not codified by the Damages Directive: how to fill such gaps?, Giorgio Monti
4. The Role of Economics in EU Private Antitrust Enforcement: Theoretical Framework, Empirical Methods and Practical Issues, Pier Luigi Parcu, Maria Alessandra Rossi
5. Private antitrust enforcement in England and Wales after the EU Damages Directive: Where are we heading?, Sebastian Peyer
6. Private enforcement of antitrust law in Belgium and the Netherlands – is there a race to attract antitrust damages actions?, Simon Vande Walle
7. Antitrust Damages Claims in Spain: Before and After the Damages Directive, Jerónimo Maillo
8. Private Antitrust Enforcement in France: Analysis of substantive and procedural challenges in light of the most recent case law, Silvia Solidoro
9. The Implementation of the Damages Directive in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia: An Overview of Practical Issues and Challenges, Anna Renata Pisarkiewicz
Additional information:
The volume represents the outcome of the sixth edition (2016) of the project ENTraNCE for Judges (‘European Networking and Training for National Competition Enforcers’), co-financed by the DG Competition of the European Commission. The edition focused on private enforcement of the EU competition law in the aftermath of the Damages Directive.
Cadmus permanent link:
Full-text via DOI: 10.4337/9781786438812
ISBN: 9781786438805; 9781786438812
Series/Number: [ENTraNCE]; [Florence Competition Programme]
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
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