Date: 2006
Type: Working Paper
L’ européisation du droit : de l’Élargissement des champs du droit de l’Union européenne à une transformation des droits des États membres
Working Paper, EUI LAW, 2006/19
ZILLER, Jacques, L’ européisation du droit : de l’Élargissement des champs du droit de l’Union européenne à une transformation des droits des États membres, EUI LAW, 2006/19 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The article - to be published in Guibentif and Gonçalves (eds), Os novos territórios do
direito: Globalização, europeização e transformação da regulação juridical, Coimbra :
Almedina, 2006 or 2007 – explores a few elements of what may be labelled as the
Europeanisation of Law – européisation, as opposed to the word européanisation which
is usually used in the French language, but grammatically incorrect? Europeanisation of
Law may be understood as a phenomenon of broadening of the scope of European law,
as well as the emergence of new legal disciplines in Europe, linked to European
integration. In both cases, the impact of Human Rights is particularly important. Apart
from the development of new normative contents of law in Europe, Europeanisation has
three main consequences: a fundamental change in the systems of sources of law in the
legal systems of European countries, a coming closer of legal systems which
contributes to the break up of the common law family of legal system as well as of the
legal systems derived from continental European countries, and changes in terms of
methodology of legal sciences.
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ISSN: 1725-6739
Series/Number: EUI LAW; 2006/19
Publisher: European University Institute