Date: 2011
Type: Technical Report
The systematic composition of asylum-related legislation in the Republic of Moldova
Technical Report, [Migration Policy Centre], CARIM-East, Explanatory Notes, 2011/06
CIUMAS, Tatiana, The systematic composition of asylum-related legislation in the Republic of Moldova, [Migration Policy Centre], CARIM-East, Explanatory Notes, 2011/06 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The asylum system of the Republic of Moldova is quite well regulated by the present legal framework. When elaborating the new Law on Asylum, Moldova partially transposed the European acquis and followed the provisions of the 1951 Convention and its Protocol. Furthermore, it implemented the best practices gained in the years after acceding to the Convention in 2001. The Law is coherent and explains all the stages of the asylum system in Moldova. Nevertheless, there is currently no legislative act in place to regulate integration, including its institutional aspects. And this is the gap which should be filled in the context of finding a durable solution for refugees and beneficiaries of humanitarian protection.
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Series/Number: [Migration Policy Centre]; CARIM-East; Explanatory Notes; 2011/06
Keyword(s): Migration Legal framework Asylum
Sponsorship and Funder information:
Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM-East) is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Union