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dc.contributor.authorMOSNEAGA, Valeriu
dc.description.abstractThe specific nature of Moldovan circular migration to the CIS and EU is determined by two criteria: vector (direction) of migration and nature of employment in destination countries. According to the results of public opinion poll, mainly people from the villages participate in circular migration to the CIS; heads of households, men with secondary or vocational education. For them labor migration abroad is a secondary form of employment, and it is seasonal. Circular migrants to the other countries are predominantly women, and a great share of them have higher education. There are significant differences which determine circular nature of migration, especially in the impact of push and pull factors. Labor migration to the CIS countries is determined to a greater extent by the migrants' and their households' need to survive, while migration to the EU countries is conditioned by the greater living (functioning) opportunities for migrants and their families. Visa regime, high travel expenses have a significant impact on the nature of circular migration to the EU. It explains greater length of trips. Work trip to the CIS (mainly to Russia) usually lasts around 7 months, while in the EU it's twice longer, 15 months. Quite often it stimulates non-return migration. In the conditions of modern financial and economic crisis of 2008-2010 circular migration acquired several new features. These include delayed nature of migration, greater comparable choice possibilities in terms of destination countries and countries of origin, uncertainty and mass multiple choices of its implementation.en
dc.description.sponsorshipConsortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM-East) is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Union
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMigration Policy Centreen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesExplanatory Notesen
dc.subjectCircular migration
dc.subjectStatistical data
dc.titleCircular migration of the population of the Republic of Moldovaen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten

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