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dc.contributor.authorTRECHSEL, Alexander H.
dc.contributor.authorGARZIA, Diego
dc.contributor.authorDE SIO, Lorenzo
dc.coverage.spatial28 EU Member States
dc.description5 data files, 12 documentation files (ZIP compressed)
dc.description.abstractThe euandi dataset is composed of two parts: a coded record of the political position of parties in the 2014 European Parliamentary elections, and data from a general survey of user profiles in the 2014 European Parliamentary elections. (1) Coded record of the political position of parties in the 2014 European Parliamentary elections: Political parties were asked to position themselves with regard to 30 statements on: (a) Welfare, family and health: welfare programmes maintained even if taxes increase, social assistance for EU immigrants, reduction of pension benefits; (b) Migration and immigration: fight against illegal immigration, immigration restriction, acceptance of European values by immigrants; (c) Society, religion and culture: legalisation of same sex marriages, support for stem cell research, legalisation of soft drugs, legalisation of euthanasia; (d) Finances and taxes: reduction of government spending, tax-raising powers for EU, tax increase on stock market gains; (e) Economy and work: reduction of workers' protection regulation, stronger support for unemployed, relaxation of austerity measures; (f) Environment, transport and energy: support for renewable sources of energy, promotion of public transport; (g) Law and order: restrictions of civil liberties, more severe punishment for criminals; access to abortion; (h) Foreign policy: EU should strengthen security and defence policy, EU should speak with one voice; (i) European integration; judgement about EU integration, issuance of Eurobonds, judgement about single European currency, less veto power for individual member states, referendum on EU-treaty; (j) Country specific items. Additionally coded was: country name, party name, and party abbreviation. (2) Data from a general survey of user profiles in the 2014 European Parliamentary elections: Users' position on political issues were surveyed: (a) Welfare, family and health: welfare programmes maintained even if taxes increase, social assistance for EU immigrants, reduction of pension benefits; (b) Migration and immigration: fight against illegal immigration, immigration restriction, acceptance of European values by immigrants; (c) Society, religion and culture: legalisation of same sex marriages, support for stem cell research, legalisation of soft drugs, legalisation of euthanasia; (d) Finances and taxes: reduction of government spending, tax-raising powers for EU, tax increase on stock market gains; (e) Economy and work: reduction of workers' protection regulation, stronger support for unemployed, relaxation of austerity measures; (f) Environment, transport and energy: support for renewable sources of energy, promotion of public transport; (g) Law and order: restrictions of civil liberties, more severe punishment for criminals; access to abortion; (h) Foreign policy: EU should strengthen security and defence policy, EU should speak with one voice; (i) European integration; judgement about EU integration, issuance of Eurobonds, judgement about single European currency, less veto power for individual member states, referendum on EU-treaty; (j) Country specific items. Basic socio-demographic information: age, gender, education level. Additionally coded: user-ID; day and time when user started and finished answering the questionnaire; user's geo-localisation based on IP address (NUTS-0-level); user's geo-localisation based on IP address (NUTS-3-level); version of the country questionnaire chosen by the user; perceived saliency of each issue; matching-score with the positions of the political parties; user's propensity to vote for a given party in his country of choice; position of the user on a socio-economic policy-dimension (socio-economic left to socio-economic right); position of the user on a European policy dimension (anti-EU-integration to pro-EU-integration); position of the user on libertarian and authoritarian policy dimension (liberal values to traditional values).
dc.formatStata file
dc.formatSPSS file
dc.publisherEuropean University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studiesen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEUI Research Dataen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesRobert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studiesen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEuropean Union Democracy Observatory (EUDO)en
dc.subjectSurvey data
dc.subjectElectoral opinion data
dc.subject.lcshPolitical parties -- Europe
dc.titleeuandi 2014 dataset
dc.rights.licenseCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internationalᅠ

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