Date: 2019
Type: Contribution to book
Belarusian samizdat (1960s — early 1980s)
Claudia PIERALLI, Teresa SPIGNOLI, Federico LOCCA, Giuseppina LAROCCA and Giovanna LO MONACO (eds), Alle due sponde della cortina di ferro : le culture del dissenso e la definizione dell’identità europea tra Italia, Francia e URSS (1956-1991), Firenze : goWare, 2019, pp. 120-123
VALODZIN, Uladzimir, Belarusian samizdat (1960s — early 1980s), in Claudia PIERALLI, Teresa SPIGNOLI, Federico LOCCA, Giuseppina LAROCCA and Giovanna LO MONACO (eds), Alle due sponde della cortina di ferro : le culture del dissenso e la definizione dell’identità europea tra Italia, Francia e URSS (1956-1991), Firenze : goWare, 2019, pp. 120-123
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Belarusian samizdat was less numerous and far less influential than Russian, Ukrainian or Lithuanian. However, it existed and played certain role in political and cultural life of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic.
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ISBN: 9788833633015
Publisher: goWare