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dc.contributor.authorVASQUEZ, John
dc.description.abstractThe Wilsonian Monadic Peace argues that not only do joint democracies not fight each other, but they are inherently peaceful. They get involved in war primarily by being attacked and rarely initiate wars. The institutional explanation of this monadic democratic peace maintains that democracies have this pacific tendency because the people use the legislature to restrain the executive. This paper argues that the best way to assess the causal logic underlying the institutional explanation is by comparing specific cases where war is avoided and where it occurs to see if legislatures and the public restrain leaders. Three historical cases from the Nineteenth Century, which were uncovered as part of a larger project, are reviewed in detail: one that did not go to war and two that did. Cases are drawn from the most democratic states at the time—France, England, and the U.S. In each instance the casual process did not work the way it was expected. Instead, the legislature and the “public” were more prone to war hysteria than the executive. Each of these cases is regarded as anomalous for the democratic peace. The implications of these three anomalies are explored in detail.en
dc.publisherEuropean University Instituteen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEUI RSCASen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesGlobal Governance Programme-394en
dc.relation.ispartofseries[Europe in the World]en
dc.relation.ispartofseries[Global Citizenship]en
dc.subjectInternational relationsen
dc.subjectEuropean foreign policyen
dc.subjectEuropean securityen
dc.subjectElectoral rightsen
dc.subject.otherEuropean foreign policyen
dc.subject.otherEuropean security and defence policyen
dc.subject.otherInternational relationsen
dc.subject.otherClimate governance and environmental policyen
dc.subject.otherElectoral rightsen
dc.subject.otherEU citizenship lawen
dc.titleAnomalies of the Wilsonian (monadic) democratic peace in the Nineteenth century : what can they tell us?en
dc.typeWorking Paperen
dc.rights.licenseAttribution 4.0 International*

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