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dc.contributor.authorBENIFEI, Brando
dc.contributor.authorBIFFONI, Matteo
dc.contributor.authorO’FLAHERTY, Michael
dc.contributor.authorPASSALACQUA, Virginia
dc.contributor.otherCHALCRAFT, Jasper
dc.descriptionThis contribution was delivered on the occasion of the EUI State of the Union in Florence on 10 May 2018
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this panel is to illustrate innovative practices for asylum seekers’ reception and integration. The panel focuses on programmes that take an unconventional approach to facilitate the transition of asylum seekers from first and secondary reception to integration by means of recognition of a certain level of autonomy to them. Some of the speakers are personally in charge of the design of integration programmes in public institutions at different levels, from local to the European level. Their experiences will provide a unique insight into the everyday dynamics of European multilevel governance in the area of asylum seekers’ integration. In particular, the speakers will examine the role of city networks, both national and transnational, in supporting asylum seekers’ reception and integration at the local level. City-networks contribute to the development of technical know-how and to the exchange of good practices. The role of such national and European networks is particularly important for small and medium size towns, which may not be able to compete for national or European level funding for implementing integration programmes.en
dc.publisherEuropean University Institute
dc.relation.ispartofseriesThe State of the Union Conferenceen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesParallel session VIen
dc.titleCities and asylum seeker integration : innovative practices and (trans)national approachesen

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